N° 8 - Les amis du mouton: Mr. Sebastien Alouf

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Mr. Sebastien Alouf


Om in deze donkere dagen wat fleur te brengen leek het ons gepast om de spits af te bijten met Mr Sebastien Alouf. Omdat we al graag eens een tentoonstelling of galerij bezoeken en kunst iets is wat ons als individuen sterk aanspreekt, is een spontane ontmoeting met een kunstenaar nooit ver weg. We ontmoeten Seba via een vriendin in zijn onopvallende atelier te Elsene. Al snel bleek er een wederzijdse klik te zijn en van het een kwam het ander.

Niet lang daarna spraken we af voor zijn eerste SCHAAP outfit. Niet zomaar een kostuum, maar eentje die hij wou dragen tijdens het schilderen, eentje die hem dat specifieke gevoel geeft en tegelijkertijd ook het comfort biedt, om niet af te leiden tijdens het creëren. Helemaal spek voor onze bek en na enkele sterke espresso’s en opnieuw een fijn en persoonlijk gesprek rond esthetiek, sfeer en nuances werd het snel duidelijk dat we zouden vertrekken van één van Libeco’s meest intrigerende wol/linen blends. Zijn oog viel op de donker caramel achtige kleur genaamd Moro. Wist je trouwens dat meeste schilders op linnen werken en nog specifieker Libeco één van de meets gegeerde is.

We vertrokken van een unconstructed model om het comfort alsook de look minder klassiek te maken en aan te sluiten op zijn moderne pofbroek, maar dan perfect in balans. Waarom Seba deze keuzes en andere maakt, hoe hij werkt en waar hij van droomt lees je onderstaand. We kozen ervoor om dit in het Engels te doen. Hopelijk kan u hem en zijn werken binnenkort zelf eens ontdekken en spreek hem gerust aan op zijn kostuum, het is een bijzonder fijne en getalenteerde man.



Jan. 2021: Mr. Sebal 

Sebastien Alouf

Sebastien Alouf


Official name + name used by your friends. Can you briefly describe what you currently fill your days with?
Sebastien Alouf but my friends used to call me Seb and my artist signature is Sebal. Actually, I’m building a creative studio for a company called The Skateroom in which you find analogue photography, screenprinting, engraving, painting… It’s a studio that spins around the skateboard world but it’s also my personal studio too.

How and where did your life take place when you were 8 years old? Small family sketch + location
I was living in Brussels, more precisely in Forest, in a small house. This house was and is probably the perfect house for me (maybe not perfect but in my memory it is perfect). I had a huge tree (maybe not so huge, but in my memory, it was a huge one) in the back of the garden in which I was spending most of my time. Both of my parents were freelance graphic designers so they were working at home but my father at that time was travelling a lot for his work. I also have a big sister and we had a small bird named Piou Piou who was living with us flying in the house.

Robert de Niro wearing the M65 jacket in Taxi driver.

Robert de Niro wearing the M65 jacket in Taxi driver.


What 3 terms did your teachers use for you in 3rd grade?
Undiscipline, dreamer but kind. I never really like what they were saying that I was kind but it was true.

What did culture mean in your family and was it stimulated by your parents?
My parents and my grandmother from my mother side were all graphic designer and artists so the artistic culture was surrounding me. My grandfather was a lawyer so I grew up in a middle class educated environment.

If you had to briefly describe your various major style periods between the ages of 16 and now, which ones stand out?
At 16, It was really the end of the ’80s, the advent of the MTV channel. I was a big fan of music. I was making my tapes myself by recording the radio. I was spending a lot of time decorating the covers. Suddently, The Beastie Boys arrived in my life along with Nirvana, the beginning for me of the none style of the grunge mixed with a bit of hip hop.

Do style and appearance play a role in your present life and in what way?
As a filmmaker, style always plays a role. I like to do the setup. I think we are at a certain point all playing a role and aesthetic is part of the whole setup. I don’t have a precise style but I’ve my own one.

Which is the first film/actor that visually influenced you the most?
Robert de Niro in Scorsese’s Taxi Driver.

What achievement or accomplishment are you most proud of to date?
I’ve gained my freedom to do every day what I like to do the most.

Is clothing something you think about regularly and how would you describe your look today?
No, I’m really not someone with clothes. My style is not really thought out. Actually, I spend most of my time in my atelier so it’s mainly working clothes.

Sonic Youth

Sonic Youth

© Sebal

© Sebal


What is the piece you have lost or broken that will stay with you forever?
My first twisted Levi’s jeans.

If time and money were no object, what would you like to add to your wardrobe?
If time was no object, I probably would design my own clothes. If money were no object, I would certainly spend it on something else (books for sure ☺ ).

How important is your appearance to the perception of your personality and general appearance?
It not really important to me. If I like it I really don’t care about how other’s perception.

How did you find the SCHAAP tailor-made experience?
Koen is now a friend.

Do you think appearance and dress have an impact on how you are perceived and judged by those around you?
Not really.

Do you think the story/transparency behind the clothes you buy is important?
Sometimes when the story is good is always better but I’m really more attach to quality and durability.

What is your favourite item at the moment and why? What was your biggest misfit?
For the moment I wear a lot a grey sweatshirt with a picture of ‘Sonic Youth’ I bought for my girlfriend. When I was fifty I had a salmon jumper and I must admit salmon doesn’t fit me well.

Are you inspired now and is there a style icon/brand that you follow?
I’m absolutely not interested in fashion but I like brands that have a history or a function. For example I like Barbour, Saint James, the M65 jacket, Patagonia…

You are leaving tomorrow for a month to your favourite destination. Which one is it and which pieces from your wardrobe will you definitely take with you?
I would love to live for a few months in London and I would definitely bring my sleepy pants which is a really loose training without any form anymore.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Jean-Michel Basquiat


What does luxury mean to you today?
Unique is the new luxe ;).

You are busy creating every day and that literally leaves its mark. Throughout history, there have been many iconic artistic characters who wore the suit as an expression and daily outfit, and recently we made a beautiful caramel brown suit together made of the Belgian Libeco linen that you would like to start painting with next year. Where did this idea come from and was there any particular inspiration?
The idea of working in suits come from images of Truffaut, Nicolas de Stael or even Basquiat. I really love the idea that a suit is a common outfit and absolutely not a “chic” uniform. When we met and talked about the belgian linen, my idea became clearer. A unique suit made local especially for me like a canvas.

Do you find us a valuable partner in the search to complete your wardrobe? Do you sometimes mention this to friends/colleagues?
For sure even if I don’t spend too much on clothes. Less is more. Some good unique pieces. And yes even my father now wants to meet you ☺



Website where people can see your work: www.sebal.be

Coming exhibitions: As soon as possible

Favourite restaurant : @Istas (Jezus Eik) with draft Geuze St Louis

Most played Spotify song/album: Zwangere Guy

Favourite artist: David Hockney


N° 9 - Open for sharing and positive business


N° 7 - The times they are a-changin’